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CW Mobile Patterns


As a solo designer in CW, I built up CW design mobile patterns and understand the product specific and industry standard usage of the component. Taking insights I had learned to apply to creation of cards. 

 CW Mobile Pattern is a visual container that holds a single or related grouping of information. Originally Clockwork had no defined mobile pattern were used across the system. This project aims to create a systemic approach and guardrails to help designers and developers utilize cards as a tool to create meaning and logic behind their designs.  



There is no design standard or cohesion way cards are used across the cw mobile system. They are lacking of logic of transforming from desktop to mobile. I have been struggling with the notion of having cards on a page as a methods of having visual unit across the system. 


Create a rational, usage standard, and logic in a way cards should be used and provide guidelines to ensure consistent end-to-end implementation. Pull together the appropriate solution based on requirements, conversation, and direction by using strict brand guidelines, and extensive component library.



Cards are used to group content and create a separation between data. They should help user to digest the information in a intuitive way.

card types 1.jpg
card types 2.jpg


Mobile Pattern had inspired by desktop design system. When I designed it, I went back to current APP and considered the most complicated case. Make cards can be accessible to different cases.

card usage 1.jpg
card usage 2.jpg


card layers.jpg


show cases.jpg
show cases 2.jpg